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Paul Wotton Football Genius - Southampton 09/10

Paul Wotton Football Genius - Southampton 09/10
Paul Wotton Football Genius - Southampton 09/10
Title : Paul Wotton Football Genius - Southampton 09/10
Duration : 01:42
Channel : Dan
Label : xtranormal, paul, wotton, southampton, alan, pardew, lee, barnard, funny, football, video, taking, the, piss, out, of, who, was, actually, quite, good, manager, papa, waigo, needs, to, learn, offside, rule
Paul Wotton Football Genius - Southampton 09/10
Paul Wotton Football Genius - Southampton 09/10
Paul Wotton Football Genius - Southampton 09/10
Paul Wotton Football Genius - Southampton 09/10

A little video making fun of a couple of the comedy points of the 09/10 Saints season - the characters (as hard as it is to believe from looking at them) are supposed to be Alan Pardew and Lee Barnard - I tried! Discussing the high and low points of Paul Wotton's game, and Papa Waigo's unfortunate habits.

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Paul Wotton Football Genius - Southampton 09/10