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C# :: Face and Eyes Recognition

     This sample code provides you the concept on how image processing is done and manipulated using EmguCV. One good example of image processing is FACE and Object DETECTION and RECOGNITION etc. but in this sample code I only give Face detection and Eyes detection concept. I Hope you guys, you appreciate and love this work.. In order to work this program: 1.) I never use any SDK for this.. I just use EMGU CV for Image processing and Vision library. 2.) There is the so called COMPATIBILITY ISSUE when running and compiling this program... This program is compile in the Windows XP SP3 32-Bit OS. Therefore this program runs only on Windows XP. Note: when you compile and run this in the Windows 7 32 or 64-Bit OS, this program will commit an error on "cvextern.dll" why? because of the compatibility issue which is this program is compile under Windows XP. Solution: 1.) Download the latest EMGU CV, then run and compile it under your OS Compatibility. After compiling.. Copy the following DLL and paste it in the folder where you save this program. *cvextern.dll *Emgu.CV.dll *Emgu.CV.ML.dll *Emgu.CV.UI.dll *Emgu.Util.dll *opencv_calib3d220.dll *opencv_contrib220.dll *opencv_core220.dll *opencv_features2d220.dll *opencv_ffmpeg220.dll *opencv_flann220.dll *opencv_gpu220.dll *opencv_highgui220.dll *opencv_imgproc220.dll *opencv_legacy220.dll *opencv_ml220.dll *opencv_objdetect220.dll *opencv_video220.dll 2.) Download the latest SQLite connector for .Net IDE (System.Data.SQLite.dll) Thank you and Good Day... Philip Cesar B. Garay BSIT Mindanao State University at Naawan Naawan Misamis Oriental 9023 Philippines For more info about this system.. please visit this link Face Detection Concept in C# 


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C# :: Face and Eyes Recognition