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How To Download All Your Google Data As Gmail, Blogger, Youtube etc

Download All Your Google Data with single click - Google Takeout
Figure: Google product list-download a copy
Today anyone keep his/her data on the web (i.e. clouding). Clouding has its own pro and cons. 

As a advantage of clouding, a authorized person can access his/her personal data any time and any location with a single click. But its major disadvantage is dependency at clouding.

What happen if clouding server is crash, there are no-backup, you can lost all your data and there are no options of restore.

Google understand this risk and now google gives the facility of download a copy of all your Google product such as Gmail, Blogger, Bookmark, Youtube, Google+, Orkut, Contacts, Calendar, Voice, Drive, etc. The current status, you can download a copy of  your 19 Google product. 

Very soon the no. of Google product increase and we'll hope that in the future Google give the facility to download your Google data in your system.

How I Download My Google data such as Gmail, Blogger, Youtube etc?

Don't be panic, it is too much easy and user friendly. Just type this URL in address bar of your browser.

if you are already sign in your Google account, you don't need to do anything, above URL will redirect to your desired page. 

If you are not sign in to google account, then you must be signin to your Google account, which one you want to download a copy of your data.

Step 1: 
Download All Google Data Creating Archive
Figure: Download Google Data Creating Archive

Click at "Create an archive" button 

as shown in the figure.

Step 2:

In next you will configure to your data. In this step you can select the no. of Google product, which you want to download data and after download how you can retrieve your Google Data in your personal computer or system.
Download Google Data-Configure Data Archive
Figure: Download Google Data-Configure Data Archive

There are various tools available to access the Google product in your computer or system.

There are three format available to download your all Google data such as .zip, .tgz, .tbz.

If the downloading Google data size larger then 2GB, then it will make multiple zip files i.e. you can download 2gb multiple files zip files.

Now you are ready to creating an archive of your all Google data, so select the Google product for archiving and click at "CREATE ARCHIVE" button as in figure shown.

Step 3:
Download Google Data - In Process/Download
Figure: Download Google Data-In Process/download

In this step, Google collect all your data from various Google product such as Gmail, Blogger, Youtube, Drive etc. So its time consuming.

If you have a large database of Google product then you can logout your account and do your other stuff. Google will work until your all data not collected. 

When this process in done, Google will notify you through email that now you can download your Google data.

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How To Download All Your Google Data As Gmail, Blogger, Youtube etc