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A triangle week

The last week of October was relatively busy. First off, TopCoder SRM 701 took place on Wednesday (problems, results, top 5 on the left, analysis). The top 3 could be a foreshadowing for the upcoming TCO 2016 Semifinal 2, but unfortunately xudyh could not make it to Washington (does anybody know why?). Nevertheless, congratulations on the SRM victory!

Then, AtCoder held its Grand Contest 006 on Saturday (problems, results, top 5 on the left, analysis). apiad has dominated the field by being the only one to solve all problems, and he has also demonstrated an unorthodox strategy by starting from the hardest problems - so he would've been first even if he didn't finish the 3 easier ones!

And finally, Open Cup 2016-17 Eastern Grand Prix took place on Sunday (problemsresults, top 5 on the left). SPb ITMO 1 team has jumped into a big lead in the overall standings after this round - congratulations!

Problem B was on the boundary of "oh, beautiful observation" and "oh, nasty trick" :) Which feeling does it leave you with? You are given 200000 points on the plane which are guaranteed to be randomly placed within a bounding box, and need to find three points which form a triangle with the largest area.

Thanks for reading, and check back soon for the November news!

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A triangle week