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VB.NET :: vbQRCode: QRCode for Visual Basic (rel. 2013.2)


vbQRCode is a library for Basic language (Visual Basic 6.0/.NET/2005/2008/2010) that can be used to create and encode QRCode, without using third parts software, external DLL or ActiveX (OCX).


  • BINALPHANUMERICKANJI encoding. QR Code symbols can encode the following amount of data (for maximum symbol size - Version 40, error correction level L):
    • NUMERIC: 7,089 characters (digit 0-9)
    • ALPHA: 4,296 characters (digits 0-9; upper case letters A-Z and nine other characters: space,$%*+-./:)
    • BIN 8-bit byte data: 2,953 characters (bytes 0-255)
    • KANJI: 1.817 characters (multibyte - 13 bit)
  • Versions 1 to 40. The version is the size of the symbol. Version 1 is a 21×21 matrix and version 40 is a 177×177 matrix.
  • Error correction levels L (7%), H (15%), M (20%) and Q (30%).
  • Models for: free textsmsemailvCard contacsURL, …
  • Direct export to BMPEPSSVGHTML format


How to get the source code

The source code of vbQRCode class will be get only after a contribute of 30 euros.
If You want, You can use the “Donate” button below:

You can found other way to contribue in the donation page or You can contact me.


Some screenshots:

Sample source code

'' Visual Basic 6.0
Set vbQRObj = New vbQRCode
vbQRObj.Encode("text to encode")
Matrix() = vbQRObj.Matrix()
iScale = 5
For y = 0 To vbQRObj.Size -1
For x = 0 To vbQRObj.Size -1
If Matrix(y,x) = 1 Then
picCode.Line (x * iScale, y * iScale)- Step(iScale, iScale), vbBlack, BF
End If
'' Visual Basic 6.0
Set vbQRObj = New vbQRCode
vbQRObj.Encode("text to encode")
iScale = 5
'' Save to EPS format file
fb = FreeFile
Open "qrcode.eps" For Output As #fb
Print #fb, vbQRObj.GetEPS(iScale)
Close #fb
'' Save to SVG format file
fb = FreeFile
Open "qrcode.svg" For Output As #fb
Print #fb, vbQRObj.GetSVG(iScale)
Close #fb
End If
'' Save to HTML format file
fb = FreeFile
Open "qrcode.html" For Output As #fb
Print #fb, vbQRObj.GetHTML(iScale)
Close #fb
'' Save to BMP format file
fb = FreeFile
Open "qrcode.bmp" For Output As #fb
Print #fb, vbQRObj.GetBMP(iScale)
Close #fb

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VB.NET :: vbQRCode: QRCode for Visual Basic (rel. 2013.2)