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Change xampp or Wamp apache port number

Hello All,

Chnage xampp or wamp apache port number 

I am Just here Tell you How to change xampp or wamp apache port number.
Chnage xampp or wamp apache port number

In Wamp and xampp apache port in 80. 80 is it's defualt port in wamp and xampp.

so some time issue with in skyppe,sql server because then also use port 80.

if we want to use xamp and wamp port 80 then we can stop service sql sql.

and in skypee you can stop to use 80 port then follow below step

1) first goto skypee 
2) tools -> options
3)in options -> advance tab -> connection
4) Then un check the check box of use port 80 and 443 for addtions incoming connections

Change Wamp apache port number 

Step1 ) Open file "httpd.conf" with notepad++ or any editor you can use like (dream viewer,PHP designer) in  D:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.4.4\conf\original

Here I am Install in D Drive then my path is that. when you install wamp 
check there. "youWamp Install Drive"\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.4.4\conf\original

Step2) After Fine use ctrl+f and find "80", the are 2 places which you need to change.

step 3) Change port 80 to be ther number, such as 88(as you wish)

step 4) After changes, restart the wamp

now listen 80 to listen 88

and servername localhost 80 to localhost:88

but make sure that new port change in httpd.conf can not use any another program.

Change Xampp apache port number 

Step1 ) Open file "httpd.conf" with notepad++ or any editor you can use like (dream viewer,PHP designer) in  E:\xampp\apache\conf

Here I am Install in E Drive then my path is that. when you install wamp 
check there. "your Xampp Install Drive"\xampp\apache\conf

Step2) After Fine use ctrl+f and find "80", the are 2 places which you need to change.

step 3) Change port 80 to be ther number, such as 88(as you wish)

step 4) After changes, restart the xampp

now listen 80 to listen 88

and servername localhost 80 to localhost:88

but make sure that new port change in httpd.conf can not use any another program.

Change xampp or Wamp apache port number

In localhost access this type locahost:88/blogger 

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Change xampp or Wamp apache port number