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Global variable V/S Local variable

Local Variable v/s Global Variable

The difference between local variable and global variable as following:

Local VariableGlobal Variable
 A variable which is defined inside a function is known as local variable.  A variable which is defined outside a function is known as global variable.
 The scope of local variable is limited to the function in which they are declared.  The scope of global variable is throughout in the porgram
 The memory is allocated to local variable each time, the control enters
the function and released when the control leaves the function.
 Gloval variable remains in memory throughout the execution of the program.
 They can be used with automatic, static and register storage classes.  They can be used with only external storage class.
 Example of local variable:
  int i = 10;
  int main()
     int x = 5;
  Here, x is a local variable
  Example of local variable:
  int i = 10;
  int main()
     int x = 5;
  Here, i is a global variable so we can use i's value anywhere in the program.
Table: Local variable v/s Global variable

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  1. Scope of the variable V/S Life of the variable

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Global variable V/S Local variable