Some Time You Want to display how many time product view count in magento
I am Give Simple Code it can be used in both product list page it can paste in loop then
it will display every product totoal view count. and product view page current product view
$id = $id=$_helper->productAttribute($_product, $_product->getId(), 'id');
$mostviewedProducts = Mage::getResourceModel('reports/product_collection')->addViewsCount();
foreach($mostviewedProducts as $product) {
echo $id."<br/>";
echo $_product->getId()."<br/>";
echo $product->getData('entity_id')."<br/>";
echo "Total View Count: " . $product->getData('views');
You can add time duration in
$fromDate = '2013-12-10';
$toDate = now();
$id = $id=$_helper->productAttribute($_product, $_product->getId(), 'id');
$mostviewedProducts = Mage::getResourceModel('reports/product_collection')->addViewsCount($fromDate,$toDate);
foreach($mostviewedProducts as $product) {
echo $id."<br/>";
echo $_product->getId()."<br/>";
echo $product->getData('entity_id')."<br/>";
echo "Total View Count: " . $product->getData('views');
Some Time You Want to display how many time product view count in magento
I am Give Simple Code it can be used in both product list page it can paste in loop then
it will display every product totoal view count. and product view page current product view
$id = $id=$_helper->productAttribute($_product, $_product->getId(), 'id');
$mostviewedProducts = Mage::getResourceModel('reports/product_collection')->addViewsCount();
foreach($mostviewedProducts as $product) {
echo $id."<br/>";
echo $_product->getId()."<br/>";
echo $product->getData('entity_id')."<br/>";
echo "Total View Count: " . $product->getData('views');
You can add time duration in
$fromDate = '2013-12-10';
$toDate = now();
$id = $id=$_helper->productAttribute($_product, $_product->getId(), 'id');
$mostviewedProducts = Mage::getResourceModel('reports/product_collection')->addViewsCount($fromDate,$toDate);
foreach($mostviewedProducts as $product) {
echo $id."<br/>";
echo $_product->getId()."<br/>";
echo $product->getData('entity_id')."<br/>";
echo "Total View Count: " . $product->getData('views');
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