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Magento Search Catalog Not Working : Fixed


I am search in magento but it's not give me poper result.

I am Seaching on net many of solution i get but not working.

after i can found one wordpress blog there is set this type of line

i can follow that instruction it's working properlly.

First i am do some instruction.

If your magento search is not working by Your search returns no results.  the solution is right bellow.

go to System->Configuration->Catalog and check that in Catalog Search the Search Type field is like. it change to Combine (Like and Fulltext) select and save it.

after Go to System->Index Management and reindex Catalog Search Index and all indexes that require indexing.

System->Cache Management and clear your cache, or disable it.

you can do this step also if it can be give the result.
Go to Catalog->Manage Products and select visible products.
Choose the Update Attributes action form the right panel and click Submit button.
Click on the Websites tab from the left and check the Main Website.

below step is search page not give any result that follow upper step.

IF Your Magento search not give proper result then follow step here.

goto -> app/code/core/mage/catalogsearch/block/Result.php
set in your local file

in set your Result.php change some code in your file

step 1 ) Uncomment lines 149 and 150


step 2 ) Modify this  the line 172

change this line
$this->_productCollection = $this->getListBlock()->getLoadedProductCollection();


$this->_productCollection = Mage::getSingleton(‘catalogsearch/layer’)->getProductCollection();

goto the admin  panel (System -> Index Management) and select all the

Indexes > Pick action is “Reindex data” > and the press “submit” button.

And also one thing in admin panel is catalog search setting

Goto the System -> Config -> Catalog -> “Catalog Search”

Here, you can change your search type like, fulltext or both as you need.

i work this code you can check i hope it's working you give proper result.

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Magento Search Catalog Not Working : Fixed